Frequently Asked Questions
When you submit a CARE Referral, the CARE coordinator reviews the information you have provided, assesses the situation’s urgency, and reaches out to the referred community member in the manner most befitting their circumstance. For more information about what you can expect, visit website.
A CARE Referral is ultimately an expression of concern from one member of the community about another. It is not punitive but instead a way of expressing care. A CARE Case Manager reaches out to individuals who have been referred to us with a desire to help and support them and to get them connected with resources that will be able to support them further. If referred individuals are participating in illegal or dangerous activities, there may be consequences based on the student code of conduct or laws, but this is also done from a place of care. Our ultimate concern is for the health, wellbeing, and success of the Wake Forest community and its members.
We take care to preserve the identity of the referring party, however, we cannot promise anonymity. If you submit a CARE Referral you may request that your information not be disclosed to the community member you are referring. CARE Case Managers always use the utmost discretion in responding to community concerns.
Our CARE Case Managers are trained professionals who respond to CARE Referrals. They provide caring outreach and a listening ear, inviting community members to share their stories and current circumstances. In addition to providing emotional support, they help assess students’ needs and provide interventions and resources that might be helpful to alleviate their current stressors. This includes check-in meetings, referrals to supporting offices across campus, helping navigate the University’s systems, and much more. Case Managers tailor their response to individual students’ needs.
If you need assistance with your mental health or are concerned about a friend, classmate, colleague, or student on campus, help starts here. Visit to learn more.
The Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation (CARE) Team specializes in listening, responding, and connecting. Members follow up with referred individuals to hear their stories, identify their needs, and connect them with the resources and interventions that best suit their individual circumstances and our community at large. We care about our fellow Deacons and want to ensure their safety, wellbeing, and success by providing this additional support.
In addition, the CARE Team also educates the campus community about how to identify distressing or concerning behaviors and how to promptly report those worries. Learn more about our community education opportunities available for student groups, faculty departments, or staff offices.
The CARE Team is comprised of professionals from the following offices:
- Human Resources
- Office of Academic Advising
- Office of the Dean of Students
- Residence Life and Housing
- Deacon Health
- University Counseling Center
- University Legal Department
- University Police
For specific or unique situations, the team will consult with liaisons in other areas of the University to assist with information gathering, consultation in their area of expertise, and/or follow-up.
Most often, referred community members will work directly with one of our CARE Case Managers.
Submit a Referral

In an emergency
contact WFU Police at 336.758.5911
Though some of its members represent offices involved in crisis response, the CARE Team is not tasked with responding to emergencies. Always contact University Police in the event of an emergency.